Today we have a great way to solve any software problem in nokia Dct-4 & Wd-2 with any of Saras box
this way tested 100 with 4 blinks,Nokia then shut down,phone start up faild, dead phone, and contact service
every one of us know that after connect the mobile to the box then make check and flash ,,, the program erase some area in the software ,,, when finish erase process and before make flash process we make stop and disconnect the mobile then connect it again and make check then erase flash
here we will change the start address and the end address by new addresses
some one will ask me from where i can get those new addresses????
if we make this way with nokia 3650 (as example) when we make erase in first time the program will erase those area
Area1: 0x00000000-0x0000FFFF Erased, Time: 00:00
Area2: 0x00010000-0x006FFFFF Erased, Time: 01:10
Area3: 0x02000000-0x023FFFFF Erased, Time: 00:41
Area4: 0x04000000-0x046DDFFF Erased, Time: 01:14
so we talk the second address in Area1 (0000FFFF) and put it as Start address and the first address in Area2 (00010000) as End address and so on
hope you understand this part
after erase process we flash the mobile with last version then make
1- init simlocks
2- write pm
3- init simlocks
4- ui factory defaults
i teset it over 100 times and itäs work 100%

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